Your investment in your dental health is important to us. Our treatment warranty provides the most protection for you and your decision to proceed with treatment recommendations. Worldwide Dental & Cosmetic Surgery Hospital are proud to offer the following dental treatment warranty for your peace of mind:

  • Lifetime Warranty for Implant placement by Straumann and Nobel Biocare.
  • 20 years Warranty for Implant placement by Hahn.
  • 10 years Warranty for Implant placement by Biohorizons and Megagen.

We will replace or repair any problems with your implants free of charge if there is a problem with the implant itself or problem during implant placement and prosthesis procedure. Please note:

  • Repair or replacement is done at Worldwide Dental & Cosmetic Surgery Hospital, previously known as Dr. Hung & Associates Dental Center. Address: 244A Cong Quynh St, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam. We are not responsible for any payment should you choose to have repair/replacement done at another clinic/center.
  • Airfare, accommodation and other transportation costs are NOT included.
  • If final prothesis on implant is done at another clinic/center, we will not be able to provide warranty on the implants.
  • Please have examination and cleaning every 6 months, either at Worldwide hospital or your local specialist. Please send us proof of check-up for our record (email:
  • You MUST follow instructions in Implant Home Care (included below) to be eligible for our Warranty Policy.


  • Allergies and illnesses that were not disclosed properly before the dental procedures are performed.
  • Condition that has an unfavourable effect on the chewing organ (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, chemotherapy).
  • Bone graft or sinus lift at the same time with implant placement.
  • Excessive smoking or substance abuse.
  • Poor post-procedure dental hygiene.
  • Teeth night guard not used when it is determined that you grind your teeth at night.
  • Damages caused by extreme stress (grinding at night, grip of the teeth).
  • Patient does not return for final restoration on implant in accordance with doctor’s timeline.
  • Patient has not had regular checkups and cleanings (at least twice a year).
  • Patient does not follow instructions in Implant Home Care instructions (included below)


After implant placement, there may be slight pain and swelling at the implant site. These symptoms are normal and will go away within a week. You should:

Apply cold compress on your cheek (outside, not inside) corresponding to the implant placement site, for pain relief on the 1st day

On the 2nd and 3rd days, change to warm compress for alleviation of swelling

  • Avoid strenuous exercise until the implant site has completely healed
  • Begin the use of chlorhexidine mouthwash you’re given on the evening of the surgery as directed, only use maximum 2 weeks.
  • A little bit of bleeding is normal and can be stopped by applying a gauze 
  • Do not pull or lift cheek and lips to look at the placement site
  • Do not touch the area with fingers or tongue
  • Drink only room temperature beverages and refrain from eating until the anesthetic has completely worn off
  • Keep food particles away from the implant placement site for as long as possible, rinse your mouth after eating
  • Refrain from brushing or flossing near the site for two days, then lightly do so until the implant site has healed, before returning to your regular oral hygiene routine
  • Take prescribed medications as directed
  • For placement of multiple implants, a liquid diet is necessary until the implant sites have healed for two days, followed by two weeks’ worth of soft food consumption
  • Do not chew using your implant crown 
  • No drinking alcohol or smoking allowed until the site has completely healed (which could take up to 8 weeks)
  • Avoid sucking on a straw, as it will create more pressure in your mouth
  • Stitches will be removed generally after 2 weeks
  • Follow the home care guidelines after the stitches are removed (found below).
    If you experience excessive bleeding, big swelling, high fever … please contact our hospital immediately or return to the hospital for checkup. Please call hotline at +84914900016 or +84922253888. 
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After the site has healed and stitches have been removed (usually after 2 weeks), it’s essential that we ensure your implant integrates with the jawbone. To do so, there are several instructions to keep in mind:

  • Brush with a low-abrasive toothpaste. Do not use an electric toothbrush on the implant
  • Do not grind teeth, and use a mouth guard if you do
    Floss with dental floss, interdental brush, soft picks, rubber tip, or use a water flosser 1-2 times per day
  • If inflammation is present, use a rinse that is alcohol-free and anti-microbial 
  • If you notice pain, swelling or bleeding, notify us immediately
  • Visit your dentist for check-up and cleaning every six months (please send us record of these visits so we have it for our file). To maintain long lasting results, it’s best that you come back for check-up and Xray at our hospital once a year as we have the right tools/technology for proper check-up and cleaning
  • Do not consume food/drink that is too hot, too hard, too chewy, too sticky.
  • If you have a temporary crown while you are waiting for your permanent crown, please do not chew food using that temporary crown as it is only there for appearance purpose and not for functionality purpose.

Your investment in your dental health is important to us. Our treatment warranty provides the most protection for you and your decision to proceed with treatment recommendations. Worldwide Dental & Cosmetic Surgery Hospital are proud to offer the following dental treatment warranty for your peace of mind:

  • Lifetime Warranty for Implant placement by Straumann and Nobel Biocare.
  • 20 years Warranty for Implant placement by Hahn.
  • 10 years Warranty for Implant placement by Biohorizons and Megagen.

We will replace or repair any problems with your implants free of charge if there is a problem with the implant itself or problem during implant placement and prosthesis procedure. Please note:

  • Repair or replacement is done at Worldwide Dental & Cosmetic Surgery Hospital, previously known as Dr. Hung & Associates Dental Center. Address: 244A Cong Quynh St, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam. We are not responsible for any payment should you choose to have repair/replacement done at another clinic/center.
  • Airfare, accommodation and other transportation costs are NOT included.
  • If final prothesis on implant is done at another clinic/center, we will not be able to provide warranty on the implants.
  • Please have examination and cleaning every 6 months, either at Worldwide hospital or your local specialist. Please send us proof of check-up for our record (email:
  • You MUST follow instructions in Implant Home Care (included below) to be eligible for our Warranty Policy.


  • Allergies and illnesses that were not disclosed properly before the dental procedures are performed.
  • Condition that has an unfavourable effect on the chewing organ (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, chemotherapy).
  • Bone graft or sinus lift at the same time with implant placement.
  • Excessive smoking or substance abuse.
  • Poor post-procedure dental hygiene.
  • Teeth night guard not used when it is determined that you grind your teeth at night.
  • Damages caused by extreme stress (grinding at night, grip of the teeth).
  • Patient does not return for final restoration on implant in accordance with doctor’s timeline.
  • Patient has not had regular checkups and cleanings (at least twice a year).
  • Patient does not follow instructions in Implant Home Care instructions (included below)


Within two weeks after implant placement

After implant placement, there may be slight pain, bruising and swelling at the implant placement site. These symptoms are normal and will go away within a week. You should:

  1. Apply cold compress on the outside of your cheek, corresponding to the implant placement site, for pain relief on the 1st day
  2. On the 2nd and 3rd day, change to warm compress for alleviation of swelling
  • Keep the implant placement site clean, using soft tooth brush to avoid affecting the implant placement site. Do not use electronic tooth brush
  • A little bit of bleeding is normal and can be slowed by applying a gauze
  • Do not eat or drink any hard, chewy, sticky food, or too hot or too cold. 
  • Avoid strenuous exercise
  • A little bit of bleeding is normal and can be stopped by applying a gauze
  • Do not touch the implant placement site with finger or tongue, do not pull or lift cheek and lips to look at the implant placement site
  • Take medications as prescribed by the doctor and come to the hospital for scheduled check-ups
  • Begin the use of chlorhexidine mouthwash you’re given on the evening of the surgery as directed, only use maximum 2 weeks.No drinking alcohol or smoking allowed until the site has completely healed (which could take up to 8 weeks)
  • Avoid sucking on a straw, as it will create more pressure in your mouth
  • If you experience excessive bleeding, big swelling, high fever … please contact our hospital immediately or return to the hospital for checkup. Please call hotline at +84914900016. 


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Timeline after surgery Within 48h Day 3-7
(no denture)
Day 8-14 (after fixed temporary denture) Week 3-12 After week 12th


Rinse mouth gently (gently swish the solution around and then spit out) to avoid putting any pressure on the wounds, which can lead to bleeding

Rinse mouth twice a day with

Chlorhexidine 0.12% (after meal)

Rinse mouth after meal with water

Rinse mouth after meal with water

Rinse mouth after meal with water

Do not brush at the implant placement sites

Do not brush at the implant placement sites. Use syringe filled with water to clean the surgical sites

Do not brush at the implant placement sites. Use syringe filled with water to clean the space between gum and fixed temporary denture

Twice a day (after meal), brush the temporary denture gently, use water flosser at light setting for the space between gum and fixed temporary denture.

Use soft tooth brush. Do not use electric tooth brush

Twice a day (after meal), brush the temporary denture and use water flosser for the space between gum and fixed temporary denture.

Food/ Drink

Food should be in liquid form (soup, porridge, etc.). Food/drink has to be at room temperature

Food in liquid form. Food/drink cannot be too hot or too cold

Food in liquid form. Food/drink cannot be too hot or too cold

Very soft food (if you cannot easily cut it with a folk, don’t eat it)

Soft food

Your investment in your dental health is important to us. Our treatment warranty provides the most protection for you and your decision to proceed with treatment recommendations. Worldwide Dental & Cosmetic Surgery Hospital are proud to offer 10 year Warranty for porcelain crowns and 5 year Warranty for veneers for your peace of mind.



  • Crown/veneer is chipped, broken or fallen out because of problems during treatment process or problems with the material.
  • The repair or replacement can only be done at Worldwide Dental & Cosmetic Surgery Hospital (previously known as Dr. Hung & Associates Dental Center). Address: 244A Cong Quynh St, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam. We are not responsible for any payment should you choose to have repair/replacement done at another dental clinic.
  • Airfare, accommodation and other transportation costs are NOT included.


Dos Don’ts
  • Have dental check-up and cleaning at Worldwide hospital or at your local dentist every 6 months. Notify your dentist about your crown/veneer. Please send us your dental report for our record (
  • Follow our home care instructions (below).
  • Use night mouth guard if you have teeth grinding.
  • Don’t grind your teeth.
  • Don’t eat food that is hard, too hot, too chewy or too sticky.
  • Don’t drink or eat too hot and too cold liquid/food at the same time.


  • Prosthesis is chipped, cracked or broken from accident
  • Patients don’t follow the dos and don’ts above
  • Patients don’t follow doctor’s home care instructions
  • Prothesis is affected due to problems with natural tooth, caused by dental disease (such as gum disease).


Protecting your crown or veneers is simple if you follow certain guidelines, ensuring that your restoration will last for years.

  • Do not rip or tear with your teeth, such as biting nails or opening bags
  • Avoid biting on ice, nuts and other hard food/material
  • Avoid movement that twists or pulls veneers away from the natural part of the tooth
  • If you grind your teeth, wear mouth guard every night
  • Floss and brush at least twice a day (ideally after each meal)
  • Most all crowns and bridges have a ceramic outer layer or are all-ceramic. These materials are very strong, however they still have potential to fracture the same as a natural tooth. As a rule of thumb, don’t do anything with a crown or bridge that could damage a natural tooth. 
  • Dental bridges require additional cleaning under the pontic (Missing tooth). Since this pontic is connected to the adjacent teeth, a special threader floss or water flosser should be used to remove plaque and food under the bridge. These are readily available at most pharmacies.  
  • Visit your dentist for check-up and cleaning every six months (please send us record of these visits so we have it for our file). To maintain long lasting results, it’s best that you come back for check-up and Xray at our hospital once every few years as we have the right tools and technology for proper check-up and cleaning.  

Once dental implants have completely healed and integrated with your jawbone, they can function like real teeth, allowing you to enjoy all of your favorite foods. However, it is important to follow the correct diet right after the surgery for a speedy recovery.

Home care instruction & Warranty


  • Crunchy foods, such as chips and popcorn
  • Tough foods, such as some hard fruits and vegetables
  • Chewy foods, such as bagels, gummies, chewy meat
  • Sticky foods, such as taffy, caramel, chewing gum
  • Acidic foods, such soda, certain process food
  • Spicy foods
  • Very hot foods and drinks


For best comfort and high protein food that can help speed up the recovery process, we recommend an almost liquid food diet for the first 2 weeks after surgery:

  • Smoothies, but keep it natural, avoid adding too much sugar. Avocado smoothie is delicious and high in protein
  • Nutritious soups that are only warm or at room temperature, such as tomato soup, pumpkin soup, porridge with finely minced meat
  • Baby food, such as applesauce, any type of puree
  • Other cool liquid foods, such as fruit juices and nectars, pudding and Jell-O, milk and milkshakes.


After the first 2 weeks, you have more choices but should still follow a soft food diet until the 3 months mark. During this time, your dental implants will integrate with the jawbone, and you might be wearing a temporary prosthesis, which is mostly for aesthetic and not meant to be used to chew crunchy or hard foods. We recommend the following high protein foods:

  • Eggs, For a well-balanced meal, you can mix them with finely chopped vegetables and make an omelet
  • Milk, yogurt, and cheese 
  • Well cooked vegetables
  • Fish, chicken, and ground beef, finely chop them to add to salads or pasta
  • Other soft foods. Feel free to indulge in soft fruits like bananas or peaches, eat steamed vegetables, soft bread, pasta, oatmeal, and more.
bác Lan