Overbite Surgery


What is Overbite?

Overbite Correction Starts by Aligning the Jaw, Not the Teeth.

This is one of the types of occlusal deviation in which the correlation between the upper and lower teeth does not meet the standard rate, the upper jaw is over-exposed compared to the lower jaw.

People with overbite often tend to have lips that do not close their mouth, teeth are exposed or tilted forward, making their face look out of balance and less charming. In particular, this defect also makes it difficult for the function to chew food, indirectly adversely affect the digestive system.

The cause of overbite is often hereditary (accounting for 70%), the rest is due to bad habits at a young age, such as frequent sucking hands, sticking out the tongue, biting the lower lip….

Although overbite is not dangerous to your health, it affects the facial aesthetics and makes people lose confidence when smiling or communicating with others.


Type of Overbite

  • Type 1: Cavities due to teeth
  • Type 2: Jaw
  • Type 3: Coronary due to teeth and jaw

When thinking of remedies for coronary illness, people often think of braces, but braces only work for dental corals (types 1 and 3), especially in cases of jaw braces are not or very difficult to deal with. So the jaw coronary (types 2 and 3) can not be solved by the method of braces alone, but must rely on surgical technique of coronary surgery. Therefore, it is necessary to properly analyze the causes and then to apply the appropriate remedy to have high aesthetic results and to be safe.


In case overbite due to both jaw and teeth, the doctor will conduct surgical intervention in combination with orthodontics to get satisfactory results.

To most accurately determine where your respiratory condition is caused by an oberbite problem, you should go directly to the dentist for measurement, full-jaw 3D CT scan as well as other specialized manipulations. From these parameters, the new doctor makes a decision whether to treat coral teeth with braces, porcelain crowns or orthodontic surgery.

At WorldWide Cosmetic & Dentistry Hospital, you will have a 3D CT scan by your doctor on the spot to give the fastest results of bone structure survey. Based on these specific data, our team of highly skilled doctors with many years of experience in the profession, will analyze to provide the most suitable solution for you.


ADVANTAGES OF Overbite Surgery

  • Quickly resolve the condition due to jaw just after one surgery
  • Helps face balance, supports easy chewing function
  • Bring beauty and confidence to customers
  • High safety, does not affect other parts
  • The results are perpetual.
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Procedure of Overbite Surgery

Step 1: Examination and consultation. The doctor will perform an examination of the bite joints, a basic facial examination to review, evaluate the degree of respiration, take a research mark, take pictures of postures for patient records, general oral hygiene.

Step 2: Conduct CT scan to determine the cause, evaluate and propose the most suitable treatment methods for the customer.

Step 3: The dentist and the jaw surgeon will conduct a consultation to find the best method, make the surgical guide to support the most favorable surgical process.

Step 4: General health tests, evaluation and prognosis of surgical results.

Step 5: Perform surgery. After anesthesia, the doctor will perform surgery based on specific plans agreed previously.

Step 6: Stay at the hospital for 1 night

Step 7: Re-examination, thread cutting as required by the doctor.


HOW MUCH is Overbite Surgery?

Depending on the complexity of the surgery, the average cost of one operation ranges from 70-100 million.

Overbite surgery is the most optimal method to overcome the condition of the jaw. You will have a balanced, prettier face, eat better after the surgery, help you be confident and improve your quality of life.


